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Laboratories used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science and engineering with laboratory particle accelerator

Laboratories used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science and engineering with laboratory particle accelerator

Laboratories used for scientific research take many forms because of the differing requirements of specialists in the various fields of science and engineering with laboratory particle accelerator

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En el marco del seminario "International seminar of seto Inland Sea Carbon-neutral Research Center", realizada en la Universidad de Hiroshima, Japón, el Dr. Carlos Riquelme, director del CBIA, dictó la charla denominada "Potential of Microalgal Biotechnology in Atacama Desert"  donde atrajo a una gran audiencia. 

Durante su presentación, el Dr. Riquelme compartió perspectivas inspiradoras sobre los avances en la aplicación de la Biotecnología Algal, realizadas por el Centro de Bioinnovación en la segunda región de Antofagasta.

El día de ayer se llevó a cabo la visita del Ministro de Agricultura Esteban Valenzuela en conjunto con Bienes Nacionales a la comuna de Mejillones en donde se oficializó el convenio el traspaso del terreno a los agricultores de la Organización funcional comunitaria Campesinos de Mejillones y el traspaso de un terreno de 5.5 Há de comodato para la Universidad de Antofagasta para el desarrollo de actividades productivas de tipo agrícola.


"Territorial meeting" with the Minister of Agriculture, Alternate Mayor of Mejillones, Regional Ministerial Secretariat (SEREMI) of Science and SEREMI of Agriculture, Agricultural Services: Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), National Forest Corporation (CONAF), Agricultural Development Institute (INDAP), National Irrigation Commission (CNR), Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA) and CBIA representatives: Ph.D. Carlos Riquelme (Director) and Ph.D. Claudia Sepúlveda (Researcher).


Yesterday, the Minister of Agriculture: Esteban Valenzuela visited the Mejillones commune accompanied by the Ministry of National Assets, where the agreement for the transfer of the land to the farmers of the "Peasants of Mejillones Community Functional Organization" and the transfer of 5.5 hectares land in commodatum for the University of Antofagasta for the development of productive agricultural activities.